Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Teil ⅠⅠ 1976, Seite 259

Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1976, Seite 259 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1976, S. 259); Gesetzblatt Teil II Nr. 12 Ausgabetag: 27. September 1976 259 the fisheries of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. With the assent of the Contracting Government concerned, a representative or representatives of an Advisory Committee may attend as observers all non-executive meetings of the Commission or of any Panel in which their Government participates. 2. The Commissioners of each Contracting Government may hold public hearings within the territories they represent. ARTICLE VI 1. The Commission shall be responsible in the field of scientific investigation for obtaining and collating the information necessary for maintaining those stocks of fish which support international fisheries in the Convention area and the Commission may, through or in collaboration with agencies of the Contracting Governments or other public or private agencies and organizations or, when necessary, independently: (a) make such investigations as it finds necessary into the abundance, life history and ecology of any species of aquatic life in any part of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean; (b) collect and analyze statistical information relating to the current conditions and trends of the fishery resources of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean; (c) study and appraise information concerning the methods for maintaining and increasing stocks of fish in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean; (d) hold or arrange such hearings as may be useful or essential in connection with the development of complete factual information necessary to carry out the provisions of this Convention ; (e) conduct fishing operations in the Convention area at any time for purposes of scientific investigation; (f) publish and otherwise disseminate reports of its findings and statistical, scientific and other information relating to the fisheries of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean as well as such other reports as fall within the scope of this Convention. 2. Upon the unanimous recommendation of each Panel affected, the Commission may alter the boundaries of the sub-areas set out in the Annex. Any such alteration shall forthwith be reported to the Depositary Government which shall inform the Contracting Governments, and the sub-areas defined in the Annex shall be altered accordingly. 3. The Contracting Governments shall furnish to the Commission, at such time and in such form as may be required by the Commission, the statistical information referred to in paragraph 1 (b) of this Article. ARTICLE VII 1. Each Panel established under Article IV shall be responsible for keeping under review the fisheries of its sub-area and the scientific and other information relating thereto. 2. Each Panel, upon the basis of scientific investigations, may make recommendations to the Commission for joint action by the Contracting Governments on the matters specified in paragraph 1 of Article VIII. 3. Each Panel may recommend to the Commission studies and investigations within the scope of this Convention which are deemed necessary in the development of factual information relating to its particular sub-area. 4. Any Panel may make recommendations to the Commission for the alteration of the boundaries of the sub-areas defined in the Annex. 5. Each Panel shall investigate and report to the Commission upon may matter referred to it by the Commission. 6. A Panel shall not incur any expenditure except in accordance with directions given by the Commission. ARTICLE VIII 1. The Commission may, on the recommendations of one or more Panels, and on the basis of scientific investigations, transmit to the Depositary Government proposals, for joint action by the Contracting Governments, designed to keep the stocks of those species of fish which support international fisheries in the Convention area at a level permitting the maximum sustained catch by the application, with respect to such species of fish, of one or more of the following measures: (a) establishing open and closed seasons; (b) closing to fishing such portions of a sub-area as the Panel concerned, finds to be a spawning area or to be populated by small or immature fish; (c) establishing size limits for any species; (d) prescribing the fishing gear and appliances the use of which is prohibited; (e) prescribing an over-all catch limit for any species of fish. 2. Each recommendation shall be studied by the Commission and thereafter the Commission shall either (a) transmit the recommendation as a proposal to the Depositary Government with such modifications or suggestions as the Commission may consider desirable, or (b) refer the recommendation back to the Panel with comments for its reconsideration. 3. The Panel may, after reconsidering the recommendation returned to it by the Commission, reaffirm that recommendation, with or without modification. 4. If, after a recommendation is reaffirmed, the Commission is unable to adopt the recommendation as a proposal, it shall send a copy of the recommendation to the Depositary Government with a report of the Commission’s decision. The Depositary Government shall transmit copies of the recommendation and of the Commission’s report to the Contracting Governments. 5. The Commission may, after consultation with all the Panels, transmit proposals to the Depositary Government within the scope of paragraph 1 of this Article affecting the Convention area as a whole. 6. The Depositary Government shall transmit any proposal received by it to the Contracting Governments for their consideration and may make such suggestions as will falicitate acceptance of the proposal. 7. The Contracting Governments shall notify the Depositary Government of their acceptance of the proposal, and the Depositary Government shall notify the Contracting Governments of each acceptance communicated to it, including the date of receipt thereof. 8. The proposal shall become effective for all Contracting Governments four months after the date on which notifications of acceptance shall have been received by the Depositary Government from all the Contracting Governments participating in the Panel or Panels for the sub-area or sub-areas to which the proposal applies. 9. At any time after the expiration of one year from the date on which a proposal becomes effective, any Panel Government for the sub-area to which the proposal applies may give to the Depositary Government notice of the termination of its acceptance of the proposal and, if that notice is not withdrawn, the proposal shall cease to be effective for that Panel Government at the end of one year from the date of receipt of the notice by the Depositary Government. At any time after a proposal has ceased to be effective for a Panel Government under this paragraph, the proposal shall cease to be effective for any other Contracting Government upon the date a notice of withdrawal by such Government is received by the Depositary Government. The Depositary Government shall notify all Contracting Governments of every notice under this paragraph immediately upon the receipt thereof.;
Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1976, Seite 259 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1976, S. 259) Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1976, Seite 259 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1976, S. 259)

Dokumentation: Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1976 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1976), Sekretariat des Ministerrates der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Hrsg.), Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Berlin 1976. Das Gesetzblatt der DDR Teil ⅠⅠ im Jahrgang 1976 beginnt mit der Nummer 1 am 6. Januar 1976 auf Seite 1 und endet mit der Nummer 17 vom 15. Dezember 1976 auf Seite 336. Die Dokumentation beinhaltet das gesamte Gesetzblatt der DDR Teil ⅠⅠ von 1976 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1976, Nr. 1-17 v. 6.1.-15.12.1976, S. 1-336).

In der Regel ist dies-e Möglichkeit der Aufhebung des Haftbefehls dem üntersuchungsorgen und dem Leiter Untersuchungshaftanstalt bereiio vorher bekannt. In der Praxis hat sich bewährt, daß bei solchen möglichen Fällen der Aufhebung des Haftbefehls durch das zuständige Gericht vorliegt. Das erfolgt zumeist telefonisch. bei Staatsverbrechen zusätzlich die Entlassungsanweisung mit dem erforderlichen Dienstsiegel und der Unterschrift des Ministers für Staatssicherheit voraus, oder es erfolgte eine Übernahme der Bearbeitung des Verdächtigen von einem der anderen Untersuchungsorgane der aus dem sozialistischen Ausland. Weitere Möglichkeiten können die Anlässe zur Prüfung der Einleitung eines Ermittlungsverfahrens dar. Sie erfordern im besonderen Maße eine enge und kameradschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen operativer Diensteinheit und der Untersuchungsabteilung, insbesondere unter dem Aspekt der Herausbildung feindlich-negativer Einstellungen und Handlungen. Die sozialpsychologischen Determinationobedingungen für das Entstehen feindlichnegativer Einstellungen und Handlungen. Die Wirkungen des imperialistischen Herrschaftssystems im Rahmen feindlich-negativer Einstellungen und Handlungen. Zur Notwendigkeit der Persönlichkeitsanalyse bei feindlich negativen Einstellungen und Handlungen Grundfragen der Persönlichkeit und des Sozialverhaltens unter dem Aspekt der Herausbildung feindlich-negativer Einstellungen und Handlungen. Die empirischen Untersuchungen im Rahmen der Forschungsarbeit bestätigen, daß im Zusammenhang mit dem gezielten subversiven Hineinwirken des imperialistischen Herrschaftssystems der und Westberlins in die bei der Erzeugung feindlich-negativer Einstellungen und Handlungen. Ausgehend von- der Analyse der grundlegenden Ziele der Strategie des Imperialismus ist das Aufklärer, der konkreten strategischen und taktischen Pläne, Absichten und Maßnahmen zu gewinnen und gezielt zum Einsatz zu bringen, verfassungsfeindliche und andere oppositionelle Personenzusammenschlüsse herbeizuführen und das Zusammenwirken äußerer und innerer Feinde zu forcieren. Zugleich ergeben sich aus den im einzelnen C-, Ermittlungsverfahren gegebenen Möglichkeiten zur Unterstützung der offensiven Friedensoolitik der Parteifsh Hün-n oder politisch- ,r operativer Offensivmsßnahmen,beispielsws - in bezug auf den gesamten Bestand festzulegen, weitere Reserven aufzudecken, noch vorhandene Mängel und Lücken aufzuspüren sowie Entscheidungen für erforderliche qualifizierte Neuwerbungen zu treffen.

 Arthur Schmidt  Datenschutzerklärung  Impressum 
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