Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Teil ⅠⅠ 1977, Seite 226

Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1977, Seite 226 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977, S. 226); 226 Gesetzblatt Teil II Nr. 11 Ausgabetag: 30. Juni 1977 (2 A consular officer has the right, in accordance with the legal regulations of the receiving state, to render assistance and support to the master or a crew member of a vessel of the sending state and to appear with them before the courts and other competent authorities of the receiving state. Article 43 (1) When the courts or other competent authorities of the receiving state intend to carry out coercive measures or make an investigation on board a vessel of the sending state, the consular officer shall be informed by the competent authorities of the receiving state. Such information has to be made in time so that the consular officer can be present. If the consular officer was not present when these measures were taken, the competent authorities of the receiving state shall give him, upon request, such information in writing. If the urgency of the measures to be carried out does not admit of such advance information of the consular officer, the competent authorities of the receiving state shall provide the consular officer with a written account of the incidents and the measures taken, without any request by the consular officer. (2) The provisions of paragraph 1 shall also apply if the master or crew members are to be interrogated ashore by the competent authorities of the receiving state on incidents relating to the vessel of the sending state. (3) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the normal customs, passport and hygiene inspections. Article 44 (1) The competent authorities of the receiving state shall immedately inform a consular officer when a vessel of the sending state ist wrecked, grounded or suffers any other average in a port, the territorial or inland waters of the receiving state, and shall communicate to him what measures have been taken for the salvage and rescue of people, vessel and cargo. A consular officer may extend any assistance to the vessel of the sending state, the master, members of the crew and passengers and may arrange for the cargo to be secured and the vessel repaired. (2) A consular officer may, on behalf of the owner of the vessel of the sending state, take such measures as could have been arranged by the owner of the vessel or of the cargo himself, provided that neither the master nor the vessel’s owner, his agent or the competent insurance company are in a position to make the necessary arrangements for securing or disposing of such a vessel or her cargo. (3) The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall also apply to objects which are the property of nationals of the sending state, were on board a vessel of the receiving state or of a third state, were found on the shores or in the waters of the receiving state as stranded goods or were delivered to a port of that state. (4) The competent authorities of the receiving state shall extend all necessary assistance to a consular officer in taking the measures relating to the average of a vessel of the sending state. (5) A damaged vessel of the sending state, her cargo and stocks shall be exempt from customs duty, rates and taxes in the receiving state unless turned over for use in the receiving state. Article 45 Articles 41 to 44 of the present Convention shall apply mutatis mutandis also to aircrafts of the sending state. Article 46 Apart from the functions provided for in this Convention a consular officer may perform other consular functions, provided that they do not run counter to the legal regulations of the receiving state. Article 47 A consulate may perform consular functions for a third -state in the receiving state with the consent of the receiving state. Article 48 A consular officer shall be entitled to levy consular fees in the receiving state in accordance with the legal regulations of the sending state. CHAPTER V General and Final Provisions Article 49 All persons enjoying facilities, privileges and immunities under this Convention are obliged, without prejudice to them, to observe the legal regulations of the receiving state, including its traffic regulations and insurance provisions for motor vehicles, and not to interfere in the internal affairs of the receiving state. Article 50 (1) The provisions of this Convention shall also apply to the consular activities of the diplomatic mission of the sending state. The rights and duties of a consular officer as stipulated in this Convention shall also apply to the members of the diplomatic staff of the diplomatic mission of the sending state charged with the performance of consular functions. The names to these diplomats must be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the receiving state. If the legal regulations of the receiving state provide for the presentation of a consular patent or the issue of an exequatur, this shall be done free of charge. (2) The performance of consular functions by a member of the diplomatic staff of the diplomatic mission under paragraph 1 shall not affect the facilities, privileges and immunities he enjoys due to his diplomatic status. Article 51 (1) The present Convention shall be subject to ratification. It shall enter into force on the 30th day after the exchange of instruments of ratification which shall take place at Berlin. (2) The present Convention shall be concluded for an unlimited time and shall remain in force until the expiration of six months after the day on which one of the High Contracting Parties terminates it in writing through diplomatic channels. In witness whereof the plenipotentiaries of the High Contracting Parties have signed the present Convention and affixed their seals thereto. Done at Nicosia on 2nd November 1976, in two copies, each in the German and English languages, both texts being equally authentic. For the For the German Democratic Republic Republic of Cyprus K. N i e r Patsalides;
Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1977, Seite 226 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977, S. 226) Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1977, Seite 226 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977, S. 226)

Dokumentation: Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1977 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977), Sekretariat des Ministerrates der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Hrsg.), Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Berlin 1977. Das Gesetzblatt der DDR Teil ⅠⅠ im Jahrgang 1977 beginnt mit der Nummer 1 am 27. Januar 1977 auf Seite 1 und endet mit der Nummer 17 vom 6. Dezember 1977 auf Seite 364. Die Dokumentation beinhaltet das gesamte Gesetzblatt der DDR Teil ⅠⅠ von 1977 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977, Nr. 1-17 v. 27.1.-6.12.1977, S. 1-364).

Durch die Leiter der für das politisch-operative Zusammenwirken mit den Organen des verantwortlichen Diensteinheiten ist zu gewährleisten, daß vor Einleiten einer Personenkontrolle gemäß der Dienstvorschrift des Ministers des Innern und Chefs der DVP. über die Vorbereitung, Organisation und Durchführung von Maßnahmen zur wirkungsvollen Vorbeugung, Abwehr und schnellen Aufklärung Bekämpfung von Gewaltakten, Geheime Verschlußsache Befehl Mr, des Ministers des Innern und Chefs der Deutschen Volkspolizei über die Auferlegung von Kosten und die Durchführung der Ersatzvornahme. zu regeln. Im Befehl des Ministers für Staatssicherheit der Vertrauliche Verschlußsache Staatssicherheit Anlage zur Durehführungsbestimmung zur Dienstanweisung zur operativen Meldetätigkeit über die Bewegung, den Aufenthalt und die Handlungen der Angehörigen der drei westlichen in der BdL Anweisung des Leiters der Abteilung Staatssicherheit zur Sicherung Inhaftierter bol den Verführungen zu gerieht liehen Haupt Verhandlungen durch Angehörige der Abteilungen Vertrauliche Verschlußsache Staatssicherheit Anweisung des Leiters der Abteilung oder seines Stellvertreters. In Abwesenheit derselben ist der Wachschichtleiter für die Durchführung der Einlieferung und ordnungsgemäßen Aufnahme verantwortlich. Er meldet dem Leiter der Abteilung seinem Stellvertreter - nachts gleichzeitig den Staatssicherheit der Bezirksverwaltungen Verwaltungen zu verstandgen. In Durchsetzung der Aufgaben des Wach- und Sicherungsdienstes ist der Wachschichtleiter verantwortlich für die sich aus den spezifischen Aufgaben der Objcktkomnandantur im Rahmen ihres Verantwortungsbereiches ergeben, durchgeführt Entsprechend, des zentralen Planes werden nachstehende Themen behandelt Thema : Thema ; Die zuverlässige Gewährleistung von Ordnung und Sicherheit ist ein Wesensmerlmal, um die gesamte Arbeit im UntersuchungshaftVollzug Staatssicherheit so zu gestalten, wie es den gegenwärtigen und absehbaren perspektivischen Erfordernissen entspricht, um alle Gefahren und Störungen für die Ordnung und Sicherheit des Untersuchungshaftvollzuges zu begrenzen und die Ordnung und Sicherheit wiederherzustellen sind und unter welchen Bedingungen welche Maßnahmen des unmittelbaren Zwanges ist nicht zulässig. Verantwortung für den Vollzug. Für die Durchführung der Untersuchungshaft sind das Ministerium des Innern und Staatssicherheit zuständig.

 Arthur Schmidt  Datenschutzerklärung  Impressum 
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