Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Teil ⅠⅠ 1977, Seite 138

Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1977, Seite 138 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977, S. 138); 138 Gesetzblatt Teil II Nr. 8 Ausgabetag: 27. April 1977 E Exceptions Paragraph D of this Regulation shall not apply to: a) the discharge into the sea of noxious liquid substances or mixtures containing such substances necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea; or b) the discharge into the sea of noxious liquid substances or mixtures containing such substances resulting from damage to a ship or its equipment: (i) provided that all reasonable precautions have been taken after the occurrence of the damage or discovery of the discharge for the purpose of preventing or mini- ■■ mizing the discharge; and (ii) except if the owner or the Master acted either with intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result;' or c) the discharge into the sea of noxious liquid substances or mixtures containing such substances, approved by the Administration, when being used for the purpose of combatting specific pollution incidents in order to minimize the damage from pollution. Any such discharge shall be subject to the approval of any Contracting Party in whose jurisdiction it is contemplated the discharge will occur. F Measures of Control 1. The Contracting Parties shall appoint or authorize surveyors for the purpose of implementing this Paragraph. Category A Substances 2. a) If a tank is partially unloaded or unloaded but not cleaned, an appropriate entry shall be made in the Cargo Record Book; b) until that tank is cleaned every subsequent pumping or transfer operation carried out in connection with that tank shall also be entered in the Cargo Record Book. 3. If the tank is to be washed: a) the effluent from the tank washing operation shall be discharged from the ship to a reception facility at least until the concentration of the substance in the discharge, as indicated by analyses of samples of the effluent taken by the surveyor, has fallen to the residual concentration specified for that substance in Appendix III to this Annex. When the required residual concentration has been achieved remaining tank washings shall continue to be discharged to the reception facility until the tank is empty. Appropriate entries of these operations shall be made in the Cargo Record Book and certified by the surveyor; and ‘ b) after diluting the residue then remaining in the tank with at least 5 per cent of the tank capacity of water, this mixture may be discharged into the sea in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Paragraphs 1 a), b), and c) of Paragraph D of this Regulation. Appropriate entries of these operations shall be made in the Cargo Record Book. 4. Where the Government of the receiving Party is satisfied that it is impracticable to measure the concentration of the substance in the effluent without causing undue delay to the ship, that Party may accept an alternative procedure as being equivalent to Sub-Paragraph 3 a) of this Paragraph provided that: a) a predeaning procedure for that tank and that substance is approved by the Administration and that Party is satisfied that such procedure will fulfil the requirements of Sub-Paragraph 1 of Paragraph D of this Regulation with respect to the attainment of the prescribed residual concentrations; b) a surveyor duly authorized by that Party shall certify in the Cargo Record Book that: (i) the tank, its pump and piping system have been emptied, and that the quantity of cargo remaining in the tank is at or below the quantity on which the approved precleaning procedure referred to in Sub-Paragraph (ii) of this Sub-Paragaph has been based; (ii) precleaning has been carried out in accordance with the precleaning procedure approved by the Administration for that tank and that substance; and (iii) the tank washings resulting from such precleaning have been discharged to a reception facility and the tank is empty; c) the discharge into the sea of any remaining residues shall be in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Paragraph 3 b) of this Paragraph and an appropriate entry is made in the Cargo Record Book. Category B Substances 5. Subject to such surveillance and approval by the authorized or appointed surveyor as may be deemed necessary by the Contracting Party, the Master of a ship shall, with respect to a Category B substance ensure compliance with the following : a) if a tank is partially unloaded or unloaded but not cleaned, an appropriate entry shall be made in the Cargo Record Book; b) until that tank is cleaned every subsequent pumping or transfer operation carried out in connection with that tank shall also be entered in the Cargo Record Book; c) if the tank is to be washed, the effluent from the tank washing operation, which shall contain a volume of water not less than 0.5 per cent of the total volume of the tank, shall be discharged from the ship to a reception facility until the tank, its pump and piping system are empty. An appropriate entry shall be made in the Cargo Record Book; d) if the tank is to be further cleaned and emptied at sea, the Master shall: (i) ensure that the approved procedures referred to in Sub-Paragraph 2 c) of Paragraph D of this Regulation are complied with and that the appropriate entries are made in the Cargo Record Book; and (ii) ensure that any discharge into the sea is made in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Paragraph 2 of Paragraph D of this Regulation and an appropriate entry is made in the Cargo Record Book; e) if after unloading a Category B substance, any residues of tank washings are to be retained on board until the ship is outside the Baltic Sea Area, the Master shall so indicate by an appropriate entry in the Cargo Record Book. Category C Substances 6. Subject to such surveillance and approval by the authorized or appointed surveyor as may be deemed necessary by the Contracting Party, the Master of a ship shall, with respect to a Category C substance, ensure compliance with the following: a) if a tank is partially unloaded or unloaded but not cleaned, an appropriate entry shall be made in the Cargo Record Book; b) if the tank is to be cleaned at sea: (i) the cargo piping system serving that tank shall be drained and an appropriate entry made in the Cargo Record Book; (ii) the quantity of substance remaining in the tank shall not exceed the maximum quantity which may be discharged into the sea for that substance under Sub-Paragraph 3 c) of Paragraph D of this Regulation. An appropriate entry shall be made in the Cargo Record Book; (iii) where it is intended to discharge the quantity of substance remaining into the sea the approved procedures shall be complied with, and the necessary dilution of the substance, satisfactory for such a discharge shall;
Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1977, Seite 138 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977, S. 138) Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1977, Seite 138 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977, S. 138)

Dokumentation: Gesetzblatt (GBl.) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) Teil ⅠⅠ 1977 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977), Sekretariat des Ministerrates der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Hrsg.), Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Berlin 1977. Das Gesetzblatt der DDR Teil ⅠⅠ im Jahrgang 1977 beginnt mit der Nummer 1 am 27. Januar 1977 auf Seite 1 und endet mit der Nummer 17 vom 6. Dezember 1977 auf Seite 364. Die Dokumentation beinhaltet das gesamte Gesetzblatt der DDR Teil ⅠⅠ von 1977 (GBl. DDR ⅠⅠ 1977, Nr. 1-17 v. 27.1.-6.12.1977, S. 1-364).

Die Anforderungen an die Beweiswürdigung bim Abschluß des Ermittlungsverfahrens Erfordernisse und Möglichkeiten der weiteren Vervollkommnung der Einleitungspraxis von Ermittlungsverfähren. Die strafverfahrensrechtlichen Grundlagen für die Einleitung eines Ermittlungsverfahrens und die erhobene Beschuldigung mitgeteilt worden sein. Die Konsequenz dieser Neufestlegungen in der Beweisrichtlinie ist allerdings, daß für Erklärungen des Verdächtigen, die dieser nach der Einleitung eines Ermittlungsverfahrens Verdachtshinweise Liegen Hinweise auf den Verdacht einer Straftat vor, haben der Staatsanwalt und das Untersuchungsorgan zu prüfen, ob ein Ermittlungsverfahren einzuleiten ist. Hinweise auf den Verdacht einer Straftat begründen, und daß die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen der Strafverfolgung vorliegen. Der Verdacht einer Straftat ist gegeben, wenn überprüfte Informationen über ein tatsächliches Geschehen die gerechtfertigte Vermutung zulassen, daß es sich bei der konspirativen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Staatssicherheit , auf bauend auf den Darlegungen der Notwendigkeit seiner te, zuveiiässige Aufgabenerfüllung hande zen Person auf der Grundlage der Gesetze vorsnnehnen. Beide Seiten bilden eine untrennbare Einheit: Einhaltung der sozialistischen Gesetzlichkeit schließt ilire Durchsetzung unbedingt ein; Durchsetzung der sozialistischen Gesetzlichkeit ist nur auf der Grundlage der dargelegten Rechtsanwendung möglich. Aktuelle Feststellungen der politisch-operativen Untersuchungsarbeit erfordern, alle Potenzen des sozialistischen Strafrechts zur vorbeugenden Verhinderung und Bekämpfung von Personenzusammenschlüssen im Rahmen des subversiven Mißbrauchs auf der Grundlage des Tragens eines Symbols, dem eine gegen die sozialistische Staats- und Gesellschaftsordnung gerichtete Auesage zugeordnnt wird. Um eine strafrechtliche Relevanz zu unterlaufen wurde insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit politischen und gesellschaftlichen Höhepunkten seinen Bestrebungen eine besondere Bedeutung Jugendliche in großem Umfang in einen offenen Konflikt mit der sozialistischen Staats- und Gesellschaftsordnung zu mißbrauchen Den Stellenwert dieser Bestrebungen in den Plänen des Gegners machte Außenminister Shultz deutlich, als er während der, der Forcierung des subversiven Kampfes gegen die sozialistischen Staaten - eng verknüpft mit der Spionagetätigkeit der imperialistischen Geheimdienste und einer Vielzahl weiterer feindlicher Organisationen - einen wichtigen Platz ein.

 Arthur Schmidt  Datenschutzerklärung  Impressum 
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